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Little Red Riding Hood

A fairytale opera in English

Music by Cesar Cui

Available for touring November 23 - January 24

Tour Pack

Contact David Ward (07817 475769)

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Perfect for family and younger audiences, this musical adaptation of the popular fairytale sees Little Red heading into the unknown to visit her Grandmother; unawares of what awaits her on the journey ...

With four soloists and one pianist.

"It was just fabulous. I felt it was incredibly professional, fun and a wonderful way to start the festive season with my 2 daughters who are 6 and 9. We all absolutely loved it"

"Loved the interaction with the children. Felt the performance was excellent and made opera available to all (even though I don't usually listen to opera)"

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Creative Team

Sophie Gilpin


Chris Pulleyn


Laura Jane Stanfield


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Registered charity 1167501

Northern Opera Group, c/o Northern Ballet, Leeds, LS2 7PA

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